
As a father of three females I applaud you and your work. I am a sex-ed teacher in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area and we cover date rape in our middle school curricula. I hope that you continue to advocate for young females and empower them to live a more fear free life.

God bless you and your service, and please tell all those associated with “Just Yell Fire” well done and blessings as well

Today I saw your dvd, and I think that it’s a really smart idea. I think a lot of girls in Denmark could learn alot from your DVD, especially my friends. Thank you for being so wonderful and for wanting to help girls all over. I really admire you!! It’s people like you that make the world a better place to live in!!


Thank you for such a brilliant website and film. I will make the film required viewing for my teenage daughters!

I saw this video advertised in the In Touch magazine. What a wonderful idea.

I work in a junior high school with behaviour disorder kids, needless to say these girls don't live in the safest neighbourhoods. Although abductions happen everywhere, I worry that these girls I work with are at an increased risk of abduction, assault, etc.

Kudos to the ladies who thought of this, they are remarkable.

I saw this advertised in In Touch magazine. It is such a great idea! I have friends that have teenage daughters and mine are also reaching that age. Thank you!

After learning about Just Yell Fire on the Montel show I just knew I needed a copy for my 13 yr old daughter. I am a mother of 2 always hoping I can protect my children yet knowing I can't always be with them. I would like to thank Dallas and Catherine, their parents and teachers, along with everyone involved for making this film and providing necessary tools for the safety of children everywhere. I have always tried to teach my children to be safe and stay involved in anything they can to provide for and show concern for others. Thank you for showing them that our youth can make a difference in so many ways. Thank you!

I just finished reading about you in the latest Costco Connection magazine.

Thank you for showing how one person can team up with others to make a huge and wonderful difference.

Keep up the great job you are doing educating our youth, especially young women that they have the right for a life without violence of any form being used against them; and how to protect themselves.

Thank you.

Thank you for my DVD. I have received it and I LOVE IT. It came just before Christmas. Great Job girls!!! I want to use this as a training video for my daughters and their friends. It covers a lot of different areas of concern and being a part of the Law Enforcement/ Security community for the last 20 years I agree totally.

I am a 19 year old rape victim and I think that this movie is womderful. I am going to be speaking at my high school, which is an all girl catholic high school here in New York. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the video so I can show it to the girls of my high school so hopefully they will be able to protect themselves, because I was not able to. Thank You Very Much.


What an incredible, relevant, and powerful video. I am a school counselor and also do a lot of teen and parent workshops at our local Y. I am also going to link it on my website, and tell every school counselor that I possibly can about this.

I commend your work and hope you realize how many lives you have saved! Thank you for making a difference. Thanks again!