
First off I would like to thank you for volunteering your time to help save teenage girls against predators. Your dedication to assist in making the world a safer place is a great asset to our Country. THANK YOU!!

What I am interested in is sharing this Just Yell Fire DVD with our School Resource Officer(s) and of course with family members of my own. I think the video will show girls that it is ok to fight off a predator and though fear may try to take over they will more than likely be better off if they over come the fear and fight for all they are worth.....

I would like to receive a minimum of 10 DVD's. I do not mind purchasing the DVD's from you, or donating a set amount to your non-profit organization. Please let me know what you would like for me to do.

Again, thank you for all you do and if I can be of any assistance please let me know.

Deputy Director, Adult Court Services

Just thought I would drop a line to say I appreciate what you do for young women.  I have been a Probation Officer for over 25 years, a martial artist for over 30 years and a self-defense and personal safety instructor for over 20 years.  During every session I teach I encourage young women and their parents to go to your web page for valuable information to enhance their personal safety.  Keep up the good work.

I have six young nieces (and one nephew) and have tried to teach them how to prevent an abduction or unwanted touching. I taught them to yell 'fire' as loudly as possible, thinking it would get more attention than 'help'. I am happy to see that I wsa doing it right. I applaud what you and this team have accomplished and I plan to promote the DVD to everyone I know. Thank you for your dedication to this project.

I am a 19 year old rape victim and I think that this movie is womderful. I am going to be speaking at my high school, which is an all girl catholic high school here in New York. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the video so I can show it to the girls of my high school so hopefully they will be able to protect themselves, because I was not able to. Thank You Very Much.

I've just spent my whole weekend to watch this superb film. I've just emailed all my friends and family this film so they could watch it too and teach their children the useful information. I always wanted to go to courses in how to defend myself but just haven't got around to doing it. Now I'm going to have a Just Yell Fire-evening with my girlfriends to practice and to talk about the film.

Thank you so much for doing this film!

I saw you on the Montel show, and think what you are doing is absolutely great, and very important. I am a Senior Master Police Officer with the Helena Police Department in Helena, Mt. I have downloaded your movie and will be giving copies of it to the school resource officers in our high schools and middle schools. This is very important information, and it is awesome for you to undertake this project. Thank you from all of us in the law enforcement profession, It is things like this that make all our lives easier, and the lives of others safer.

As a father of three females I applaud you and your work. I am a sex-ed teacher in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area and we cover date rape in our middle school curricula. I hope that you continue to advocate for young females and empower them to live a more fear free life.

God bless you and your service, and please tell all those associated with “Just Yell Fire” well done and blessings as well

I came across your website while looking for self defence sites for my girls. I am humbled by your quest to educate all girls, no matter where they are at, of their rights and the power they have to take care of themselves. We hear about horror stories every day of abduction/assault and it is sad that we live in a such a world. I deeply admire your quest to change it, and hope in some small way i can assist in this quest.

Please accept this donation for your outstanding efforts in protecting young girls everywhere. After learning about a teenage girl being assaulted this week in our local high school, by another student, I realized I needed to get this DVD and show it to my 13 year old daughter and her friends. Thank you so much for all your hard work and love for other uman beings.

THANK YOU for making this available. The statistics are out of control. It's time girls learned to stand up and take control of the situation - too long they have been seen as easy prey!! Thank you!