
Deputy Director, Adult Court Services

Just thought I would drop a line to say I appreciate what you do for young women.  I have been a Probation Officer for over 25 years, a martial artist for over 30 years and a self-defense and personal safety instructor for over 20 years.  During every session I teach I encourage young women and their parents to go to your web page for valuable information to enhance their personal safety.  Keep up the good work.

Hi Dallas,

First of all my daughter and I love Just Yell Fire!
I run my own Personal Self Defense program, It's a family run side business, nothing big.
I have been involved in the Martial Arts since 1990, I train with people of all ages and I saw your Just Yell Fire dvd a few years ago and I have had my daughter who is now a teenager OMG! watch with me and her friends. Usually when they sleep over this is how I introduce the dvd, sometimes my daughter gives me the look like "dad really? Now."…lol  but I get them to watch and I really think this is a Great tool for all girls to have! To give them a sense of knowing they can fight back!  To know how to defend themselves with basic life saving Techniques.  I will be posting your link to my NPSDT page on Facebook.
Thank you for this DVD! And for having it out there for anyone to see.

Once again.

Thank you Dallas for having these helpful dvd training programs. I have 2 daughters and these will bring more awareness to the danger that's out there. Keep up the good work. I applaud everyone involved in making this program, again thank you so much for all the hard work you all have put in.

I loved your project.

It resonated.

I teach martial arts and care about the students.

Thank you for your vision.

I just finished reading about you in the latest Costco Connection magazine.

Thank you for showing how one person can team up with others to make a huge and wonderful difference.

Keep up the great job you are doing educating our youth, especially young women that they have the right for a life without violence of any form being used against them; and how to protect themselves.

Thank you.

I am a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I am 49 years old and the mother of three boys and one girl. The values that I have seen in your process are just what I am looking for.

I came across your website while looking for self defence sites for my girls. I am humbled by your quest to educate all girls, no matter where they are at, of their rights and the power they have to take care of themselves. We hear about horror stories every day of abduction/assault and it is sad that we live in a such a world. I deeply admire your quest to change it, and hope in some small way i can assist in this quest.

You would have been so proud of Dallas today. She stood up in front of our 400 students with the greatest poise and composure. She drew them in from the start and had them laughing and listening at the same time. I shared the DVD with a girls school in Memphis.

Thank you for your help in connecting us with Dallas.

I was searching online for something about young people changing the world in order to inspire a young friend. I discovered and ordered Dallas' book, which I'm reading before I give it to my friend! Then I found out about JYF. OMG. Many, many congratulations to Dallas - wow, wow, really, really wow!

Best wishes for the continuation of JYF long, long into the future.

I attended the 2009 International Student Leadership Conference, at which Dallas Jessup spoke to everyone and then conducted a workshop to teach us how to defend ourselves, which I also attended. Since her speech, I have become increasingly passionate in the fight against domestic violence. I have helped with projects and fundraisers for the past two years, and this year, I am trying to start a club at my school that focuses on raising awareness and raising money to help fight against domestic violence. I was wondering if there would be any possible way that Dallas Jessup could come and speak to our school briefly about the warning signs of a dangerous situation, and how to defend ourselves if ever caught in one. Also to talk about how she has changed the world with her film and book, and anything else she wishes to speak to the student body about. I am sure that our school would be honored to have her speak to us.