
I took self-defense classes for over 2 years and I am now an instructor. I told all of the women I have taught about your website and what you have been doing for the world. I'm so grateful that there are people like you that let girls know that they have the right to be treated with respect and to defend themselves when necessary.

What you are doing is amazing. I plan to have a "Just Yell Fire" birthday party for my 18th birthday. I think all my friends need to know your techniques before we head off to college. Thank you!

Saw this video on Good Morning America, downloaded and intend on showing it my daughter asap! Also to other Girls Scouts.

Boys could benefit from it too, though this is not the intended market. Thank you for making it so believable and memorable, awesome job.

I saw you guys on GMA this morning and you are doing a really wonderful thing. I was watching with the intent to have my younger sister who is 17 and going to start college in September...learn some "tricks" for when she is on campus. Yet, I learned "tricks" and advice for myself, a 27 year old single girl living in NYC.

I am the media Specialist at Wittenberg Elementary/Middle School and I just downloaded your "Just Yell Fire!" for our School nurse. In watching the beginning to see if the download worked, I was instantly drawn in by how good it was. I watched the entire program and will be having my 17 year old daughter watch it tonight. Thank you for making available such a well done presentation on a very important topic. Our pre-teen and teenage girls need to hear repeatedly that they have the right to say "NO!" and that they can change their minds. They also need to know what to do if they find themselves in one of these situations.

How proud you must be of your daughter and her friend for their efforts at creating such a fantastic film. A friend loaned me the DVD and I watched it with my 14 year old daughter last night. VERY POWERFUL!!! My daughter was on the verge of tears during the date rape scene, as my niece, her cousin, was in a similar situation and was unfortunately not prepared.

Thank you again for making the film available to everyone. It is invaluable information for our daughters!

It was such a pleasure having you visit and present at our school on Friday. Our students were very impressed but more importantly feel they received great information that can help protect themselves and their children. The extra DVD's are flying out of my office door as I shared information about our presentation at the all staff meeting on Monday. Please pass along our appreciation to Dallas and Catherine as they continue to get their very important message out, everywhere possible.

I received the DVD on Wednesday and we watched it right away. I loved how it explained, in detail, exactly what the girls were doing. You gave ideas I'd never thought of, such as pulling on the ears. I'd thought of the eyes, but never gave it much thought as to using more than one finger and concentrating on only one eye.

Thank you so much for the DVD. I hope your valuable message spreads all across the country! God Bless!

The DVD came today. I watched it with my daughter. Very well done, very informative. It's a relief to know that even a non-athlete can do something to protect herself. Thank you so much!

I saw you on the Montel Williams show recently and I was just SO impressed! The number of lives affected by your video is incomprehensible and I have to applaud you for creative spirit and willingness to take action to do something for the welfare of others.

I have a 8 nieces and I would like to show them all your DVD, so I was wondering if you would please send me a copy. I filled out the order form to make a donation. I sure hope you get enough responses so that you can get this important information out nationwide - and beyond!