
I say "kudos" to you girls from making this video. I have three daughters and I cannot tell you how important this subject is to me. I also have four nieces. When I saw you girls on Montel Williams on Friday, I was totally impressed. I wish my sister had seen this video when she was younger. She was grabbed on her way to school. She was almost forced into a car while walking to school. She was only 14 years old. Thank God everything truned out ok.

I cannot even imagine how many lives you have changed since the video. I will definitely put it to good use. I can guarantee that everyone who has a daughter, niece, granddaughter, girlfriend or what have you, will sleep a little better at night because of what you girls hae done.

Thank you so much for all of your efforts on trying to stop things like this from happening to any other of the girls out there.

Hi. I saw you girls on Montel and I wanted to take a moment to say Thank-You. The number of girls you both are helping through this video is more than you could ever imagine. I live in Eastern Canada and have taken your video and sent it out to our local Community Collage to be sent out to all the students as these techniques are some that can be used by anyone, at any age. I also hope to make it available to the elementry and high school kids in town. We live in a small community, less than 5000 people approx., and everyone here believes it is a safe place. Because of parents beliefs, no one is taking the time to teach our girls what to do if they find themselves in danger. Although we all want to protect our kids, keeping them in the dark about what happens in the world is not the way. I fully believe this nietivity was party of what led to me being raped by someone I thought was a friend when I was 15. I wish I had known what to do then, but knowing that it is here to help the next girl is enough. Please keep doing what you are doing. And from me alone, Thank-You for keeping my family safe. My daughters (5 & 12) and myself (27).

Thank you. I saw what you girls do on a tv show just last week. It's amazing that you all are taking time to inform young ladies on what to do. I myself am 25 but women my age and older need to be just as informed as teens because a man or woman can try to over power us just the same. Being aware of ways to assist in attack is life saving and I appreciate what you ladies are doing. Thank you again. God bless.

First off I want to tell you I saw you on Montel & thought what you are doing is very impressive. It is wonderful seeing teenagers doing something so productive to help others in the community.

Not only does your video help teen girls & women, but I want to order one to have my young son watch it to help fight off any child predator that might try to abduct him. I really think your video should be shown to all young children as well to prepare them for circumstances that may arise such as attempted child abduction. Unfortunately we see all too often on the news what happens to young children who are caught off guard by these predators. Your video is a wonderful tool to help better prepare children to defend themselves. Again, thank you for making such a wonderful video to help others.
I will pass the word on to everyone I know.

I saw your segment on Montel the other day. What a wonderful thing you have done for all women and young girls. I do not have any daughters, but have two young future daughters-in-law. Thank you once again, you will never know how many lives you have saved.

What a wonderful tool. I have a daughter who is 14 and with special needs. This is done so well I think she will be able to do it and understand it.

I have sent a link to the schools here and asked them to please consider showing it to the girls.

Thank you to all that put this together. Fantastic job!

I saw you guys on Montel and I wanted to say I think you guys are doing an amazing thing. I was attacked in my own home when I was 14 and beat up by my b/f just a lil over 3 years ago, I finaly deicided to take up Kickboxing its maid a world of difference in mylife. Keep up the good work u guys are awesome.

I don't exactly live in the BEST neighborhood and I walk to and from school every 5 feet I constantly catch myself turning around to make sure I'm not being followed, and the cat calls from way older men just scares me to death that one of them will act on it one day so thats why I am writing cuz I can't afford any type of classes or anything, I figure this is the next best thing (: and I think what you girls have done is just amazing you should be so so proud of yourselves, that's from the bottom of my heart and I'm sure you have saved lives. Thanks again.

I saw your segment on the Montel show and was quite impressed. I am eager to share it with as many young girls and women as possible. I am so proud to know that we have such bright and pro active young people. I encourage you to continue to make your project known. I will do everything in my prower to spread the word.

I also plan to screen the video for as many women as possible we all need to know how to protect ourselves, and should know what to do in case of an attack

I wish my parents had been as safety minded. I was ninteen when I encountered a stalker at work. I had moved from home to attend college and worked part-time. This stalker harassed me at work, followed me to my apartment and charmed his way inside. He raped me. I didn't know to file a police report, go to the hospital to document the rape, or file a restraining order against this individual. The trauma of the rape and fear of how my father would react kept me from saying anything. Thank you, for preparing a DVD that shows self defense moves and safety issues.