
Thank you so much for everything that you have done with your involvment in 'Just yell fire'. I have a 13 year old daughter with a bunch of very close friends. As soon as we get our d.v.d. we will be having a pizza night with them all and watching "JUST YELL FIRE". The world needs more people like you.

First let me say how impressed I was when I saw the 2 of you on Montel this afternoon. You are both to be commended. I would like to request a copy of the DVD Just yell fire. I am taking a group of 8 teenage girls from my youth group to a very large conference in St. Louis this summer. I think showing them this film will go a very long way in easing some of the parents minds about sending their daughters so very far away to such a large city. Thank you very much for your efforts. You should be very proud of yourselves!

Please send me a DVD so I can share it with my students. I will share it with whoever I can, and convince people to show it. With this project you have truely made a difference in the lives of hundreds of young women. I saw you on the Montel Williams show and was very impressed with your maturity and your dedication to helping others. You have no idea the ripples you have started with this project and I hope you ladies have a wonderful and fulfilling life for all the good you have done.

I saw your segment today on Montel, and it touched me. My husband and I work for a state Dept of Corrections and deal with some of these offenders on a daily basis. I am always left wondering how their victims are coping. I was so excited to see a project of this magnitude from the next generation. We have four young children of our own and want to get the DVD to have to show to them on a regular basis. More than anything I just want to thank you for having the courage to step up and help other young people protect themselves. Thank you and congratulations on being such fine young women.

When I was 13 I was brutally raped, I thought I was going to die- and I should have died. I managed to get away somehow- then about a year or two later he attacked me again in my High school. I was wondering if I could get a copy of this so I could bring it to my high school- and so I could share it with my friends.

Thank you so much for what you are doing- it is amazing. Please, keep up the work- and I will help spread the word.

Do you two know how much you have inspired me? I'm a 13 year old in Salinas California. Nobody has tried to attack, kidnap, or rape me so far, but if it was to happen, I now know how to protect myself. You two have helped my friend though, she was walking home from school and she remembered to "just yell fire". Thank you two so much!!

Thanks for being a true inspiration

I was just watching Monte Williams' show and I saw you guys there talking about the video that would help millions and millions girls out there. I've always wanted to help kids who have cancer. That show inspired me to make a difference in someone's life. You guys did a good job. GOOD JOB!!!!

What a wonderful job the girls did, creating a video targeted toward girls and how to protect themselves in uncomfortable and/or dangerous situations....There can never be too much said about this issue......and for boys too....expecially during today's day and age. The world is definately not as safe as it used to be, and BRAVO to the girls who made the movie 'Just Yell Fire' and their efforts to help keep others safe. I just happen to be home from work today to see the Montel show.

I saw you on the Montel show, and think what you are doing is absolutely great, and very important. I am a Senior Master Police Officer with the Helena Police Department in Helena, Mt. I have downloaded your movie and will be giving copies of it to the school resource officers in our high schools and middle schools. This is very important information, and it is awesome for you to undertake this project. Thank you from all of us in the law enforcement profession, It is things like this that make all our lives easier, and the lives of others safer.

I just watched the 'Montel Williams Show' and saw your segment. I was very impressed with the young girls and their inspirational story. I have a young daughter who we talk to on a regular basis about what to do in an emergency situation, along with weekly classes of karate. Unfortunately for her father and I we may have more reason to be overly protective of our kids...almost eight years ago my husband's sister was kidnapped and later found murdered, the killer still remains unknown. I feel that this DVD could bring us comfort in knowing that if faced with a dangerous situation our children would have a better advantage of getting away safely!

Thanks for your story and God bless you for sharing this with the nation!