
THANK YOU for making this available. The statistics are out of control. It's time girls learned to stand up and take control of the situation - too long they have been seen as easy prey!! Thank you!

I think this is a wonderful thing. As a mother of teen girls, and a rape survivor, I think anything we can do to help our girls be safe and to empower them is wonderful.

Gayle here from the Sexual Assault Survivors' Centre

Thank you very much for the DVD. You have no idea how
much this is going to be used. Our Public Education person
has 50 different school presentations booked so far, and
she's not done! This DVD will be perfect for our needs.

Thanks again - and all the young people she will reach thank you too.

I am a police officer and self defense instructor. My students are mainly college age. I think this will be a good training aid. Thank You

Thanks alot. You should be really proud of your daughter (I'm sure you are). She and her friend have probably saved lives of girls everywhere. I am going to show all my friends the dvd (I'm a mini distributor, LOL). It's very important to know how to defend yourself! I hope you can pass on my thanks to them and say I really admire what they are doing!

You guys are awesome, I can't wait to get my dvd and start studying all those fantastical tips on how to defend myself and all my girlfriends. Everyone needs one of these dvds!!!!

I'm going to pass this on to my mother and her mother and someday hopefully my daughters and their daughters too. It's going to change the way women defend themselves. I can feel it.

I teach at an alternative school for teenage students with severe emotional behavioral disabilities. I have two female students who I think would greatly benefit from this DVD. Thank you for offering this.

I work for Healthy Communities/Healthy Youth of Marquette County, Wisconsin as the Montello Prevention Coordinator. One aspect of my job is running a junior high and high school group that focuses on educating about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and giving the kids better things to do than using substances. I am working on bringing a Date Rape Awareness week to the high school in the spring and when I heard about this dvd I had to have it!!! In college I was a victim of 2 separate rapes. The first rape was an aquaintance rape and the second was a stranger rape. My life has changed forever, both of the rapes happened when I was 21 within 5 weeks of each other (I am only 22 now so the memories are very vivid), but this job gives me an outlet that will allow my pain to possibly prevent future women from going through what I went through and am still going through. I thank you very much for making this dvd, more than you could ever know!

I don't have any teenage girls anymore, but I do have 2 young granddaughters ages 9 & 7. I think all women regardless of their ages could benefit from your film. It's an amazing thing you've done. Thank you for making it available to us.