
The greatest defence a person has is knowledge. This project will be a great learning tool to empower our kids. We need more projects like this.

I am a legal advocate and health educator for my community. I see violence and abuse on a daily basis. Part of my jobs allow me to educate and I look forward to using your video to educate people. Thank you for making the video and fighting the good fight.

Watched the DVD last night with my daughter. She enjoyed the insight and tips provided. She will be having some of her friends over to watch as well. She is talking about taking it to school and asking the counselor if she can show it to other female students!

Thank you so much for this project.

I train and teach Soo Bahk Do in the Mount Vernon Washington area. While looking at one of our regional web sites, there was an article on Just Yell Fire and how it was created.

I'd personally like to thank you and all involved for providing awareness to not only women but people of all ages. Awareness is an important key.

I've recently been asked to provide self defense training to my fellow co workers (nurses) and their children.

I look forward to sharing my information and requesting all attendees watch your video-then pay it forward to family, friends and loved ones. It's this type of crucial information that should be required viewing (and learning) in all schools.

What a gift it would be to each and every recipient!

Again, thank you to all for creating such an important film. May it travel around the world and touch the lives of millions!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have tried to involve both my children in role playing situations so that they can think about what they are empowered to do in any difficult situation - - to think outside the box and to throw "respect" out the window if they are in danger of another person.

Your video sounds terrific!! I plan to show it to my kids' friends (with parental permission, of course), their parents, girl scout buddies, my friend who is a realtor who I worry about since she is around so many strangers in vacant homes. I'm a teacher and I work with lots of women who need this. One teacher I work with was attacked in a fast food parking lot in the middle of the day. She was knocked to the ground and mugged before she knew what hit her. I can think of so many people who would benefit by this dvd. God bless!

Hi, I am a Law Enforcement student in southern Minnesota. I would love to have information on how I can get a hold of this DVD for the schools in my area. Fabulous job. I have informed all of my online friends and my home town friends about your site for further information. I would like to take the DVD to the local schools. Thank you.

As a father of three females I applaud you and your work. I am a sex-ed teacher in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area and we cover date rape in our middle school curricula. I hope that you continue to advocate for young females and empower them to live a more fear free life.

God bless you and your service, and please tell all those associated with “Just Yell Fire” well done and blessings as well

I am a 13 year girl who attends middle school, and does ride the bus. My bus stop has one other girl, the same build and age as me. I am very weak, and don't play any sports whatsoever. For the past year, I have heard of many girls who were older and stronger than me get raped and taken away. Needless to say, I was frightened. What could happen to me?

My mom showed me and my little brother this video. After watching it, I emailed it to all my female friends and watched it over and over again to practice the actions used against a sexual offender. Thank you so much for letting everyone see this. Now I know that I have a chance against a 200 pound man or woman who tries to touch me. By the way, I thought the hair combing thing was brilliant, and the scoop kick was as well.

I am a 19 year old rape victim and I think that this movie is womderful. I am going to be speaking at my high school, which is an all girl catholic high school here in New York. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the video so I can show it to the girls of my high school so hopefully they will be able to protect themselves, because I was not able to. Thank You Very Much.

I heard a rave review about the film on Radion Station 860 this morning. It's just the thing I 've been looking for for my daughter, who is a junior at Sacramento State University. One of her roommates recently was attacked while walking to school, but got away and was not hurt, thank goodness. The good thing about it is that Kelly and her friends are finally paying attention when I talk about being prepared for situations like this. I'm looking for good ways to educate the girls on self defense, and this sounds perfect.