
I saw this advertised in In Touch magazine. It is such a great idea! I have friends that have teenage daughters and mine are also reaching that age. Thank you!

We are always looking for good, interesting and helpful programs to offer our patrons. We are lucky that we live in a low crime area, but it is true that crime has no boundaries, and it's always best to be prepared.

I saw this video advertised in the In Touch magazine. What a wonderful idea.

I work in a junior high school with behaviour disorder kids, needless to say these girls don't live in the safest neighbourhoods. Although abductions happen everywhere, I worry that these girls I work with are at an increased risk of abduction, assault, etc.

Kudos to the ladies who thought of this, they are remarkable.

I watched 'Just Yell Fire', and told my form tutor at school about it. It's now going to be shown to everyone in the school, and hopefully they will show their friends at other schools as well. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the program for creating it; I know several people who have been in similar situations to those shown on the video, and they appreciate so much that something is finally being done to raise awareness of it, so that others will not be so unfortunate.

I think that this is wonderful. I applaud the girls for what they have done.

I have a 14 yr-old daughter, I read about this website & dvd in a magazine. I must commend you. When I was in high school, we didn't really call it "date rape". I was pressured into sex, I got pregnant, he then proceeded to tell everyone in the high school I was a big whore (sorry for the language). I was so humiliated I dropped out of school and moved out of town. It took years for me to come to terms with it. I want to prevent this from happening to my daughter. Thank You

I checked out the link for your daughter's film. Very cool! I was thinking about it this morning when I was on the treadmill and CNN had a piece on ladies that were potential military recruits being raped by their recruiters. They interviewed this one person, who was sixteen at the time of the rape, and her responses made me think that she just didn't have a clue how to fight back. I hope your daughter's movie empowers women to not only learn how to fight back, but to take action when they need to!

Dear Maggie, I just wanted to thank you so much for making this available to everyone and free no less. I am a 37 year old Mom of 5. In 2004 when my last child was 4 days old I noticed a neighbor girl riding her bike outside my home in a small community in Illinois. She stopped to take a drink of her water and I saw a man get out of his car and try to take her off her bike. I knew this little girl who was 8 at the time for most of her life, and I knew I didn't know this man. I ran outside yelling and he fled. By God's grace I happened to look over and got his licence plate number. Unfortunately he left my home and 45 min. later (presumably) kidnapped and raped a 13 year old. He then was caught the next day and is still in jail awaiting a trial. My point is this 8 year old is always very assure of herself, but when this happened she didn't even yell, and having 3 girls of my own, I need them to know how to be prepared. I have lived in my community all my life and never thought that this would happen here but it did, and I was very comfortable in thinking that. Thank you for caring about our children, and helping everyone feel like they don't have to be a victim, but to be secure in knowing that they can be prepared and protect themselves if need be.

Thank you and the girls for making such an awsome movie. It is important that girls protect themselves. Thanks again.

Just watched the trailer...goose pimples...looks like it is gonna be great...gave them my email for notification on when it is ready...thanks for letting me know about this