
I wish my parents had been as safety minded. I was ninteen when I encountered a stalker at work. I had moved from home to attend college and worked part-time. This stalker harassed me at work, followed me to my apartment and charmed his way inside. He raped me. I didn't know to file a police report, go to the hospital to document the rape, or file a restraining order against this individual. The trauma of the rape and fear of how my father would react kept me from saying anything. Thank you, for preparing a DVD that shows self defense moves and safety issues.

When I was 13 I was brutally raped, I thought I was going to die- and I should have died. I managed to get away somehow- then about a year or two later he attacked me again in my High school. I was wondering if I could get a copy of this so I could bring it to my high school- and so I could share it with my friends.

Thank you so much for what you are doing- it is amazing. Please, keep up the work- and I will help spread the word.

Saw this video on Good Morning America, downloaded and intend on showing it my daughter asap! Also to other Girls Scouts.

Boys could benefit from it too, though this is not the intended market. Thank you for making it so believable and memorable, awesome job.

I came across your website while looking for self defence sites for my girls. I am humbled by your quest to educate all girls, no matter where they are at, of their rights and the power they have to take care of themselves. We hear about horror stories every day of abduction/assault and it is sad that we live in a such a world. I deeply admire your quest to change it, and hope in some small way i can assist in this quest.

I was so excited to hear about the DVD - "Just Yell Fire". The reviews are excellent. I look forward to receiving the DVD and utilizing the information to help teenage girls with self defense. Thanks so much for your consideration in this matter!

I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am to see that our youth are concerned about this topic. I am a troop leader for Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande, in El PAso, Texas, and a detention officer for El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department. I currently run the Studio 2B Program ( Girl Scouts) which is a program designed by girls for girls at the Juvenile Probation Department. It appears that our youth are fed up with abuse and rape. One of the focus series books is called "Take Charge" and it is about rape and abuse. In the book it also recommends to "yell fire" for the same reasons you described. Your video , along with my group will be most helpful and impactful. I will definately forward your link to Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande.

Last night when eating dinner with my 2 daughters they brought up the subject of school fights. They also realized they had no idea how to defend themselves. And asked why I never taught them. I’ve done everything with them from swimming, skiing, soccer, tennis, cheer, career exploring, homework, and every other parent obligation I could manage. It suddenly shocked me that I haven’t covered one of the most important at their ages, 13 & 16, self defense. Both are strong, athletic and confident, until the subject of self defense comes up. I immediately started searching for ways to help and found Just Yell Fire I feel shame in not doing this sooner. Please accept my donation and send a DVD.

I loved your project.

It resonated.

I teach martial arts and care about the students.

Thank you for your vision.

I am a police officer and self defense instructor. My students are mainly college age. I think this will be a good training aid. Thank You

I saw your information on the back of my Doritos bag and it was like a sending from above. What you are doing is so amazing. And I appreciate it so much. The neighbor hood I live in is not safe at all, and neither is the place I work. Guys view girls as just their next crime victims, and it frightens me.I could not believe my eyes when I read the back of my Doritos bag. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. A million times thank you.